Safety Portal

WSMR Anti-Terrorism Training

Follow the directions in the PDF to the right.  The training takes approximately 2 hours.  After you submit your test, you will have the option to download a certificate.  Please download it as a PDF and email it

**Prior to taking this test at home, you must have superintendent approval.  You will not receive two hours of paid time unless permission is granted and certificate is received.**

If you have any problems, please contact Amber in the main office  575-488-1552 / 575-437-2995

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2024 Work Zone Awareness National Survey Results

John T recently participated in the National  Work Zone Awareness Survey.  Nationally, only 514 companies responded.  Check out the PDF to the right to see the responses.

Near Miss

Near Miss/Hazard Alert
**Report any unsafe condition or unsafe act immediately**
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Near Miss: Incident without injury or damage but had the potential. -- Unsafe Condition: Unsafe Plant, equipment, substance, etc. -- Unsafe Act: At risk employee behavior

Coming Soon

Safety Bucks

Safety Bucks are awarded monthly based on accident free job sites with additional bucks available for completing safety cards. 

Merchandise is available to purchase with Safety Bucks on a quarterly basis. 

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